Saturday, June 27, 2009

SQL Developer is....

Oracle SQL Developer is a free graphical tool for database development. With SQL Developer, you can browse database objects, run SQL statements and SQL scripts, and edit and debug PL/SQL statements. You can also run any number of provided reports, as well as create and save your own. SQL Developer enhances productivity and simplifies your database development tasks. SQL Developer can connect to any Oracle Database version and ASP.Net Web Application through C#, and runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.

SQL Developer includes the Migration Workbench, redeveloped and integrated to extend the functionality and usability offered by the original Oracle Migration Workbench. Its tight integration with SQL Developer provides users with a single point to browse database objects and data in third party databases, and to migrate from these databases to Oracle.

Oracle SQL Developer integrates with Oracle APEX, allowing you to browse applications and perform other Application Express activities. With Oracle SQL Developer you can browse, export and import, drop or deploy applications. There are a selection of Application Express reports and you can create your own custom reports.

The latest release of Oracle SQL Developer includes provides integrated support for versioning and the source control systems CVS (Concurrent Versions System) and Subversion. Supporting the version control is a File Browser to browse and read files stored in the file system. You can open and edit these files from within SQL Developer. In addition to these main additions to SQL Developer, release 1.5 includes many updated features, such as SQL Formatting, Schema Compare, Copy and Export wizards and the addition of migration support for Sybase. Times Ten support is also integrated with the product. A listing of all the new SQL Developer 1.5 functionality is available.

Below is summary How to make database in SQl Develepor

1. Create Connections

*Create and test connections Store often-used connections

for multiple databases

for multiple schemas

* Import and export connections

* Store password or be prompted on connection

* Import connection details from tnsnames.ora

* Support for LDAP, external authentication and proxy users

* Group connections in folders

* Advanced option to identify URL for connecting from Java

* Connections for TimesTen, MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access and Sybase


2. Syntax to Create Table

create table tableName


columnNamePK data type(number),

columnName1 data type(number),

columnName2 data type(number) ,

columnName3 data type(number),


constraint PK_Name primary key (columnNamePK)


Example :

create table employee


id_emp char(6) not null,

name_emp varchar2(20),

address_emp varchar2(20),

telph_emp varchar2(20)

email_emp varchar2(50),

constraint pk_employee primary key (id_emp)


Attention :

the different between char and varchar!

char(6) : you must insert data until 6 characters

varchar(20) : you can insert data depends on your necessary, max. until 20 characters.

3. Syntax to Alter Table for Foreign Key

alter table tableName1

add constraint constraintName foreign key (columnName)

references tableName2 (columnName);

Example :

create table master_employee


id_salary char(6) not null,

profession_emp varchar(20),

salary_emp number,

constraint pk_employee primary key (id_salary)


create table employee


id_salary char(6),

id_emp char(6) not null,

name_emp varchar2(20),

address_emp varchar2(20),

telph_emp varchar2(20)

email_emp varchar2(50),

constraint pk_employee primary key (id_emp)


alter table employee

add constraint fk_employee_get_master_e foreign key (id_salary)

references master_employee (id_salary);

4. Syntax to Insert Data

insert into tableName

values('value1', 'value2', 'value3,'value4', 'value5');


insert into tableName ('columnName1', 'columnName2', 'columnName3')

values ('value1', 'value2', 'value3);

Example :

insert into employee

values('EMP001', 'Jhon', 'London', '889911', '');


insert into employee (id_emp, name_emp, email_emp)

values('EMP001', 'Jhon', '');

5. Syntax to Update Data

update tableName set columnName1 = 'value1' where columnName2 = 'value2';

Example :

update employee set name_emp = 'Chris Jhon' where id_emp = 'EMP001';

6. Syntax to Delete Data

delete from tableName where columnName = 'value';

Example :

delete from employee where id_emp = 'EMP001';

Okey.. I hope you can try this tutorial..=)

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